We can be fearless

We can be fearless.

We can be fearless

We can be fearless.

Outsmarting AFib with first-of-its-kind tech

Bob was one of the first in the country to overcome atrial fibrillation with a breakthrough treatment.

Photo of Bob

In December 2022, Bob wasn’t feeling like himself. He went to Corewell Health immediately, where doctors diagnosed him with atrial fibrillation, or AFib. This condition causes an irregular heartbeat that can lead to a stroke or worse, so Nishaki Mehta MD presented to Bob a new technology called PulseSelect™ pulsed field ablation (PFA).

“… unlike heating or cooling the heart tissue, PULSED FIELD ABLATION uses electric field which is specific to the heart. This avoids injury to other structures” said Dr. Mehta, Corewell Health Cardiologist.

This advanced technology delivers ultra-short high-voltage pulses through an ablation catheter to interrupt irregular electrical pathways in the heart that trigger Afib. Corewell Health was the first health system in the Midwest to use PFA to treat patients with abnormal heart rhythms.

Photo of Bob
Photo of Bob

“To be honest, I would have never known I just had surgery,” said Bob. “I didn’t even need help getting out of bed afterward.”

Bob’s procedure was successful, and Bob walked out of the hospital 24 hours later. Since the procedure, he hasn’t had a single heartbeat out of rhythm, and he’s even back to running on a regular basis without fear of a stroke.

“I never have to be afraid of an AFib incident again.”

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