Corewell Health Commitment to Wellness of Residents

Group of Wellness of Residents smiling

Corewell Health is committed to the wellness of our residents and fellows. Being a physician is a higher calling and honorable profession. It can be extremely rewarding, yet emotionally and physically exhausting. Psychological, emotional, and physical well-being are critical in the development of a competent, caring, and resilient physician. We are dedicated to improving the learning environment to achieve a culture of respect and accountability for physician wellness.

We recognize that residents are at high risk for burnout. Burnout affects the quality of patient care and causes emotional distress for the individual. All residents and fellows are encouraged to regularly take the Well-Being Index (internal link). Once per year, residents will have protected time to take this assessment and debrief the results.

  • A one-minute survey that assesses six dimensions of well-being
  • Confidential, online self-assessment
  • Benchmark data relative to national peers and colleagues
  • Immediate results paired with local and national resources that promote well-being

Our resident and fellow wellness subcommittee works to foster a culture of wellness, support, and collaboration in which Corewell Health residents and fellows can thrive. Efforts align with Corewell Health’s system-wide wellness initiatives through the Office of Physician and APP Fulfillment (internal link).

Initiatives focus on four areas:

Personal resilience
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At Corewell Health, we recognize the importance of mental and physical health. Here are some examples and resources offered at Corewell Health for residents and fellows:

  • Resident lounges are stocked with healthy snacks
  • A workout room for only residents and fellows has workout equipment and wellness space
  • Resident and fellows are encouraged to attend medical, dental, and mental health appointments regularly – Use Find a Doc to find a primary care physician and the Corewell Health App for 24/7/365 primary care and therapy video visits
  • MyConcierge is a benefit provided to all Corewell Health physicians that can help you with personal activities such as picking up dry-cleaning, sending flowers, and mailing packages - contact MyConcierge by phone at 616.486.7400 or email
  • Residents and fellows are invited to participate in all Corewell Health employee wellness events, classe,s and programs
Culture of wellness
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Corewell Health is committed to building a culture of wellness through events and programming that support community and camaraderie.

Program Retreats: Each year residency programs spend a day off-site to relax, discuss topics of well-being and participate in team-building activities to strengthen relationships

Club Med: A program that provides activities for residents, fellows, and their families. This program acts as a support system to help acclimate you to West Michigan. Each month there are three events; resident recreation for residents/fellows and significant others, Med Mates for significant others of residents/fellows, and Kids Time for the entire family.

Annual intern welcome event: The event includes all new interns, residents, faculty, and staff of the Office of Research and Education.

The Wellness Newsletter: This regular communication keeps residents and fellows informed of all wellness and social events throughout the year.

Professional fulfillment
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Business Medicine Rotation: A two-week elective rotation available to all Corewell Health residents and fellows. The goal of the rotation is to learn about business and leadership opportunities in the field of medicine and to gain experience navigating an outpatient office, large healthcare system, and/or an academic medical center.

Practical Medicine 101: An educational and social event series that teaches topics not typically covered in residency such as job acquisition, contracts and negotiations, medical malpractice, financial wellness, etc. Dinner is provided, and significant others are encouraged to attend.

Schwartz Rounds: Confidential, facilitated sessions where healthcare providers and employees can safely discuss the emotional and social issues they face in patient care.

CISM: The Critical Incident Stress Management team is a group of trained facilitators available to facilitate confidential debriefing sessions after a critical patient event.

Mental health support
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Encompass is our employee assistance program and your link to free information, resources, confidential support, and referrals on most any concern that you may experience, whether personal or work-related.

Here are some examples of how Encompass can assist:

  • Stress management, grief, and loss
  • Professional coaching services
  • Marriage & family relationship counseling
  • Mental health

  • Violence & crisis
  • Child care/elder care resources & referrals
  • Legal services & financial counseling
  • Online forms & document templates ready for use

Encompass provides seven free sessions per family member. They have extended in-person hours and offer phone and virtual consultations too. There are 15 locations available with three locations in downtown Grand Rapids:

  • Masonic Center Building (Downtown Grand Rapids) | 233 East Fulton St. Ste 126
  • East Beltline (The Pines Office Park) | 4829 East Beltline Ave. NE, Bldg 1
  • Corewell Health Care Center - Cutlerville | 80 68th St SE, Ste 302B

To learn more about Encompass, contact them by or phone at 800.788.8630.

Behavioral Health Services: Individuals experiencing non-emergent symptoms, such as anxiety, stress, grief, sadness or depression have access virtually to a licensed master social worker within 48 hours. Services are available to anyone in Michigan in partnership with Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services, a psychiatric hospital and behavioral health provider. Contact them at 844.322.7374 (Option 3)

Program Wellness Sessions: Each year our residents and fellows participate in a wellness curriculum led by a wellness program champion. Sessions include didactic and small group work. Topics have included burnout, resiliency tools, and physician depression and suicide.

Self-assessment tools
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There are different assessment tools available to residents and fellows that help assess their individual risk for burnout, fatigue, depression, and mental/physical quality of life.

  • Depression screening: Residents and fellows are at higher risk for depression than the general population. It is important to identify and get the help you need. Assess yourself for depression with this Screening Tool. If you have concerns about your results, counseling, and support are available 24/7 through Encompass. To learn more about Encompass, visit (username: Corewell) or contact them by email orby phone at 800.788.8630.
  • Mindfulness is an effective resiliency tool. Test yourself with this Mindfulness Quiz.
  • Stress management: Take this Stress Screen to assess and learn tips on stress management.

DIMENSIONS: work & well-being toolkit for physicians

DIMENSIONS: Work & Well-Being Toolkit for Physicians was developed by the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, School of Medicine, Behavioral Health and Wellness Program, in September 2014. The University of Colorado Anshultz Medical Campus School of Medicine has given us permission to utilize their program. A selection of tools is available for download below.


Employee assistance program and link to free information, resources, confidential support, and referrals.