Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Therapist helps strap an oxygen mask on a patient sitting inside a hyperbaric oxygen chamber

Pure help, pure oxygen

If you’re facing carbon monoxide poisoning, gangrene, or a wound that won't heal, breathing pure oxygen can help. At Corewell Health, our hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) provides 100% oxygen in a pressurized environment to help your body fight infection, increase the amount of oxygen to tissues, and bring about faster healing.

Female patient sits in hyperbaric oxygen chamber wearing an oxygen mask

Our hyperbaric facility in Grand Rapids is the only emergency hyperbaric and critical care chamber in Michigan, and at our Royal Oak location, we have one of the largest multi-patient chambers in the state.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can also be a successful treatment for patients facing carbon monoxide poisoning, a decompression injury (common for scuba divers), radiation injuries, severe infection, and more.

Our approach

Our team of experts will create a personalized treatment plan to accelerate your healing, including:

Our care team meets with you to assess if hyperbaric oxygen therapy is the best treatment for your condition.

Targeted rehabilitation
We create a personalized treatment plan based on your specific condition.

Ongoing progress monitoring
Your progress will be continually assessed throughout your treatment.

Patient education
Our team will answer all of your questions and keep you informed.

Post-session review
Following each session, our care team will check your vitals and gauge your overall progress.

Dive medicine

Scuba diving is a fun and popular sport. Additionally, some people do commercial diving as a profession. In West Michigan, we offer services and treatments for both types of divers, including:

  • Dive physicals for new divers with medical issues
  • Commercial dive physicals
  • Emergency hyperbaric care for decompression illness or arterial gas embolism
  • Return to diving certification after a diving accident or decompression care

Connect with a Corewell Health expert

Choose a hyperbaric oxygen therapy location in your area.