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If you or your family get Medicaid benefits, including Healthy Michigan Plan and MIChild, you will need to renew your coverage eligibility each year. Here are some important things to know about Medicaid renewal.
Fill out the form and a representative will contact you at your convenience.
Medicaid is a government funded health insurance program that you may qualify for based on your income, family size and age. Every year your state will work with you to see if you still qualify for Medicaid benefits.
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Get help to apply for benefits, find resources and manage your case.
Shop for and buy affordable health insurance plans if your Medicaid coverage ends.
Find and contact your local Michigan Medicaid program office.
Learn more about Medicaid or Children’s Health Insurance Program.
Nothing is more important than your health. If you lose health insurance coverage through Medicaid, Healthy Michigan Plan or MIChild, you can re-apply at any time. There’s no limit to the number of times you can apply. Your work may offer health insurance or you can buy an affordable plan through the Marketplace®. Our financial counselors can help you apply for Medicaid or connect to affordable health insurance plans.