Physical Exams

Woman with shoulder length brown hair speaks with a nurse in a primary care office

What matters for you

Along with reviewing your medical history and giving you a health risk assessment, your physical exam can also include:

  • Checking vital signs
  • Assessing heart health
  • Evaluating general appearance
  • Examining head and neck (eyes, ears, nose, throat, mouth, thyroid, lymph nodes, arteries)
  • Listening to lungs
  • Looking for any physical abnormalities or changes
  • Performing a dermatologic exam of your skin and nails
  • Testing neurological health

How we can care for you

Our care doesn’t end with your exam. To get a better picture of your health, we can follow up by ordering:

  • Lab tests, such as a complete blood count (CBC), cholesterol screening, and blood chemistry panel
  • Screenings, such as mammogram, colonoscopy, prostate check
  • Biopsies
  • Further procedures, such as non-cancerous mole removal