Information on referring to Helen DeVos Children's Hospital
When it comes to diabetes in children, we take an aggressive medical and educational approach to helping pediatric patients manage their health so they can lead a healthy, normal life. For example, we offer the largest insulin pump program in the state. We also participate in research and clinical trials, making them available to patients when appropriate. Our care team includes physicians, social workers, nurse practitioners, registered dieticians and others to provide continuity. Pediatric endocrinologists, nurse practitioners and certified diabetes educators work together in our education programs which include nutrition counseling and training in self-management techniques. Our diabetes education program is accredited by the American Association of Diabetes Educators.
Our experienced pediatric doctors and specialists are ready to serve you and your family.
Patient care teams drive the heart of our diabetes clinic. Every patient will be assigned a physician, nurse practitioner, diabetes educator and medical assistant that will be see you at every visit.
I specialize in pediatric diabetes and endocrinology and supervise the care of patients.
I provide recommendations about how to maintain a healthy diet.
I am training to become a pediatrician, and am supervised by a pediatric endocrinologist.
I provide resources and support as patients throughout their care journey.
I work with physicians, providing care in the outpatient clinic.
I provide assistance to the physicians and nurse practitioners in our clinic.
I help teach patients and families to maintain blood sugar control and avoid long-term complications.
We are able to see all patients with new-onset diabetes in an outpatient setting as long as they are not vomiting, have severe dehydration or are in diabetic ketoacidosis. This provides patients with comfort knowing that they do not need to be in a hospital and flexibility. Referring providers should call our referral line for all patients with new-onset diabetes. Our on-call team can help coordinate the initial appointment, along with any insulin dosing that may be needed prior to the appointment.
Keeping up with diabetes care is important as patients transition into adulthood. We help prepare and empower our patients to take ownership of their care as they grow up.
During childhood and young adulthood, we expect that you and your child will work together to manage the diabetes care process. It is important to not put too much responsibility on your child at too early of an age. When your child is in their freshmen year of high school, then we will introduce them to our transition program. This program gradually reviews information to help build independent living skills and prepare your child for managing their diabetes once they live on their own. We will create a plan with your endocrinologist, diabetes clinic team and family to determine when is the most appropriate time to transition to an adult endocrinologist.
Our Age Related Responsibilities and Traits document outlines the typical transition of care for children as they age.
The College Diabetes Network is a community dedicated to helping young adults with Type 1 diabetes take ownership of their health.
The JDRF Teen Toolkit is a guide to help teens and parents learn about what to expect and how to deal with the many issues facing teens with Type 1 diabetes.