Corewell Health William Beaumont University Hospital Concussion Clinic - 3555 W 13 Mile Rd

  • Specialty care clinic
    3535 West 13 Mile Road Suite N120, Royal Oak, MI 48073
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    • Monday8:00am to 4:00pm
    • Tuesdayclosed
    • Wednesday8:00am to 11:00am
    • Thursday1:00pm to 4:00pm
    • Fridayclosed
    • Saturdayclosed
    • Sundayclosed
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    The Corewell Health William Beaumont University Hospital Concussion Clinic - 3555 W. 13 Mile Road provides comprehensive evaluation and treatment for children and adults who have sustained a recent concussion. We operated out of the Neuroscience Center. Concussed patients who are seen in the acute phase, within seven days of the incident, are at lower risk of developing prolonged healing times. A concussion is a medical condition that is caused by a sudden bump or blow to the head or body. This sudden movement can cause chemical changes in the brain, sometimes stretching and damaging brain cells. The injury cannot be detected on imaging studies (CT or MRI) but some degree of mild brain injury has occurred from which the brain needs to recover.

    The Team:

    The neuroscience team, led by a board-certified nurse practitioner in collaboration with adult and pediatric neurologists, provides comprehensive care. Each visit includes a thorough neurological examination and a personalized treatment plan, ensuring a safe return to activities such as sports, school, or work.


    • Individualized sport-specific "return to play" guidelines.
    • Individualized temporary school accommodations during recovery.
    • Referral provided as needed for physical, occupational, and speech therapies, integrative medicine, and social work.

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