Corewell Health Care Center 2750 East Beltline Avenue - All of Us Research Program

  • Specialty care clinic
    2750 East Beltline Avenue Northeast , Grand Rapids, MI 49525
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    • Monday8:00am to 3:30pm
    • Tuesday8:00am to 3:30pm
    • Wednesday8:00am to 3:30pm
    • Thursday8:00am to 3:30pm
    • Friday8:00am to 3:30pm
    • Saturdayclosed
    • Sundayclosed

    Closed all major holidays.

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      General information: All of Us is a new research program from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The goal is to advance precision medicine. Precision medicine is health care that is based on you as an individual. It takes into account factors like where you live, what you do, and your family health history. Precision medicine’s goal is to be able to tell people the best ways to stay healthy. If someone does get sick, precision medicine may help health care teams find the treatment that will work best. To get there, we need one million or more people. Those who join will share information about their health over time. Researchers will study this data. What they learn could improve health for generations to come. Participants are our partners. We’ll share information back with them over time.
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