Corewell Health Zeeland Hospital Betty Ford Breast Care Services

  • Imaging center
    8333 Felch Street , Zeeland, MI 49464
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    • Friday8:00am to 4:00pm
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    Contact Information
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    • undefined icon 616.772.5761Main
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    In addition to the Corewell Health Zeeland Hospital Betty Ford Breast Care Services we also offer a Comprehensive Breast Clinic. This clinic provides patients at high risk of developing breast cancer with monitoring designed to reduce risk of the disease or to diagnose it in its earliest stages. You may be seen at the Comprehensive Breast Clinic if: 1. You have a family history of breast cancer diagnosed at or before 50 years of age and are 20 years old or older 2. You have multiple close relatives with a history of breast cancer 3. Your family has a known gene mutation with associated increased breast cancer risks 4. You have a history of breast biopsy proven atypical hyperplasia or lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) 5. You have had chest wall radiation 6. You have a family history of male breast cancer 7. You are of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry If you have dense breast tissue on a mammogram or a challenging self-breast exam, talk to you doctor about your risk factors. Your physician may refer you to our clinic or you may contact us directly at 616.486.6333.
    Contact Information
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    • undefined icon 616.772.5761Main
    • undefined icon 616.772.5770Fax
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    • Breast Medical Oncology
    • Diagnostic Radiology
    • Surgical Oncology
    • Mammography
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    • Mammography