Corewell Health Concierge Medicine - 4069 Lake Dr SE is an innovative medical practice where personalized service, physician and staff availability, communication and convenience come first. Where phones are answered by professional staff who know you personally. Where your time with the physician is not hurried, allowing more time to address your health issues and discuss proactively preventative care that is right for you. We've taken away the barriers of traditional medicine. If you want excellent physician care delivered on your own schedule, imagine yourself with the Concierge Medicine family. The benefits of Concierge Medicine include Guaranteed same-day appointments, No waiting, Longer appointment times, Quality time with your physician, Phones are answered by staff who know you personally, Annual preventive care physical examination, Comprehensive wellness plan, Coordination and assistance with hospital care, if needed, Support personnel dedicated exclusively to concierge medicine patients, Convenient prescription services, Enhanced coordination of any physician referrals, Lab work checked prior to complete physical, Expedited testing results, Large comfortable exam rooms, Convenient free covered parking, Comfortable lobby with refreshments, fireplace and wireless internet. WIFI