Corewell Health Farmington Hills Hospital Laboratory - 28080 Grand River Ave

  • Laboratory
    28080 Grand River Avenue , Farmington Hills, MI 48336
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    • Monday7:30am to 5:00pm
    • Tuesday7:30am to 5:00pm
    • Wednesday7:30am to 5:00pm
    • Thursday7:30am to 5:00pm
    • Friday7:30am to 5:00pm
    • Saturdayclosed
    • Sundayclosed

    Office may be closed during lunch hours.

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    Corewell Laboratory is here to deliver confidence and peace of mind with your test results. Our board-certified pathologists are highly trained super specialists – who spend their lives meticulously analyzing your tests to be sure they make an accurate diagnosis. All testing special needs are handled through our expert understanding of the dynamic environment of hospital based testing and our 21 years of molecular diagnostics experience. This draw site is located on the second floor of the North Medical Building. Most laboratory tests are performed on a walk-in basis and do not require an appointment. The following tests must be scheduled through Appointment Center by calling 800-328-8542: glucose tolerance testing (3-5 hour studies) hydrogen breath test platelet aggregation study/sticky platelet study semen analysis sweat test All other testing can be performed without an appointment. Call Customer Service at 800-551-0488 for any additional patient preparation instructions. We are located on the 2nd floor of North Medical Building, adjacent to the main hospital. Park in the parking structure and enter through the North Medical Building (entrance #3), then take the North elevators to the 2nd floor. When exiting the elevators, turn left and follow the hallway to the Satellite Laboratory on your left. If taking the main hospital elevators, exit at the 2nd floor and turn left to follow the posted signs to the Satellite Laboratory on your right.
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