Create your own event

Have an event idea to raise funds for a cause you believe in? Let us know.

Golfing event

Start something life-changing today

Pick a cause

Choose from over 320 programs throughout Spectrum Health, including Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital that make it possible to improve health, inspire hope and save lives.

Pick event, date and time

Sporting event, talent show, musical, car wash, rummage sale, run/walk, the list is endless. Be sure to give yourself enough time to plan, prepare and ask for donations.

Design event

Choose how you will fundraise: sell merchandise, entry fee, online fundraiser, etc. Be sure to set a goal. This way you can update your audience and use this goal as an extra push.

Start fundraising

Start working together to reach your goal! Get the community involved and create a buzz around your fundraiser. Be sure to share the direct impact this event will have on patients and families.

Host your event

Host your event and see the results! Don’t forget to document your event with photos, videos, patient stories, etc.

Optional: Plan a check presentation after the event for a foundation representative to come. Please note, we cannot guarantee a representative will be available.

Our community in action

Browse our upcoming events labeled "Community organized" to see events created by people like you.