Tobacco and Nicotine Program

Older man wearing a green shirt runs down a paved path outdoors in the sunset

Create a tobacco-free future

Many people have successfully quit using these evidence-based strategies. You, too, can enjoy the many rewards and benefits of a tobacco-free future. We’re here to support you each step of the way. So, whether you’re ready to quit tobacco and nicotine or just want to find out more, we have a program for you!

Programs we offer

We are pleased to offer tobacco and nicotine treatment services at no cost to patients and the community. Programs are available for all stages of readiness and on an ongoing basis. All sessions are virtual.

Let’s Talk Tobacco
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Let’s Quit Tobacco
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Let's Stay Quit Meet-Up
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Ready to take the next step?

Preregistration for our program is required. Register now or contact Lifestyle Medicine to sign up today.