Breast Augmentation

Smiling Black woman with curly hair looks off in the distance

Become your best self

At Corewell Health, we offer reconstructive and cosmetic breast procedures using proven, state-of-the-art techniques and technologies. You might want to modify the size, shape or profile of your breasts. Or perhaps you need reconstructive work after cancer treatment. In either case, our doctors are available for a pre-operative consultation either in-person or virtually through MyChart.

Doctor in white lab coat sits across from a woman as they speak in the plastic surgery clinic

What does Corewell Health provide? Expertise.

Using minimally-invasive techniques for your specific breast augmentation, our surgeons bring both expertise and compassion to everything they do. After a successful surgery with your FDA-approved implants in place, we will fit you with a surgical bra to support the recovery process. Plan on two weeks of downtime with scheduled follow-up visits to ensure the best results.

Choose the right surgeon for you

Get a referral from your primary care provider and find a doctor who specializes in your unique needs.