Yoga Therapy

In Southeast Michigan

Woman in a black shirt and black pants does yoga in a sunny room

Heal mind and body

Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years to improve health and support healing. At Corewell Health, our yoga therapists teach breathing, gentle movement, and mediation techniques in one-on-one sessions focused on your specific goals. No matter your age, the comfort and healing it can bring can make a big difference.

Whether brightening your mood or overcoming arthritis, or perhaps simply feeling more centered, the benefits of yoga are well documented. Ready to get started? Reach out to see if yoga therapy is right for you.

Yoga therapy is good medicine

Practicing yoga therapy promotes peace and tranquility so you can be better prepared to handle what life throws your way.

Benefits include:

  • Improving energy and concentration
  • Keeping fit during pregnancy
  • Maintaining and losing weight
  • Managing stress
  • Overcoming depression
  • Preparing and recovering from surgery
  • Promoting restfulness
  • Reducing side effects of cancer treatments
  • Strengthening your bones and posture

What you can expect

Learn yoga therapy at your own pace with private instruction.

Man with grey hair and beard does a plank on a yoga mat

Centered on you
Our therapists can build sessions around your specific goals

Focused on comfort
Learn at your own pace and comfort level

Detailed feedback
Our goal is to help you master techniques and focus on areas that meet your personal goals

For beginners, we recommend two-to-four one-hour sessions.

In Southeast Michigan?

In other areas, ask your primary care team or specialist for available options.